Regular Loans
- Maximum loanable amount of Php200,000.00 – depending on the share capital, years of service with MMC and capacity to pay
- Maximum payment terms – three (3) years
- Maximum loanable amount of Php100,000.00 – depending on the share capital, years of service with MMC and capacity to pay
- Maximum payment terms – two (2) years
- Latest assessment form indicating the amount of tuition fee or Official Receipt if the tuition fee has been paid for in advance
- Maximum loanable amount of Php100,000.00 – depending on the share capital, years of service with MMC and capacity to pay
- Maximum payment terms – two (2) years
- Official Quotation from Appliance store is required
- 40% of Share Capital or maximum of Php100,000.00
- Payable in one (1) year
- no co-maker